Today was too beautiful to pass up the chance to go to the park. So while JJ hit the trails, we ran around the park – well Cailee ran and I waddled after her. Cailee’s favorite thing to do is the monkey bars – why? because Dora does the monkey bars and counts out each bar as she goes – so mimics Cailee. And as proud as we are that she is counting up to 17 these days – it sounds something like this – four five six nine ten, thirteen eleven-teen, fifteen. Eleven-teen? Oh well, at this point, learning is still fun for her – and that’s a good thing.
Some other funnies from the week..
I visited Cailee’s room after her nap and it looked like a tornado it, she had tried to pull all her toys, or so it seemed, into her bed, so I said – what is going on in here? and Cailee promptly repeated “What is going on in here…”
I was on the phone with work and Cailee said – “Give me the phone, I need to call Daddy.” Demanding little thing, eh?
Check out the static hair
Today’s adventures at the park
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