We haven’t had a real family photo session since Cailee was four months old, and of course, four years ago we were only a fam of three, so we were in desperate need of an update.
Kellie Kano came highly recommended by the Hamletts, And considering they have excellent taste, we knew we couldn’t go wrong. Also Kellie’s portfolio speaks volumes for her work and style.
I was sold when she said it will be just like a play date. And she didn’t disappoint, so much so that Cailee asked to see her again tomorrow. That just doesn’t happen with Cailee. It takes her FORever to make a connection with someone new.
Now not everything went according to plan. What’s that saying about the best laid plans? I think that’s the story of my life. Turns out Connor was the challenge. He was either obsessed with a train tack to no where that he just knew would have a train at any moment, or he was spilling his juice all over outfit #2 before we got a single picture. Oh well, in my mom’s famous last words, “you will have this.”
I can’t wait to see the rest of the session, especially if this is any indication.
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