Because of the circumstances surrounding this project its been difficult to actually write about it – but planting grass and getting rid of the weeds, rocks and pine needles has been something we have long wanted to do in our backyard. We had gotten advice on any number of ways to do it – all requiring a lot of money – and decided to just try it ourselves first – see where that leaves us and get someone to fix it if needed. After trying to manually do the work – we caved and JJ got the tractor and dug up the ground in no time, we planted grass, covered with straw and now are just waiting, and waiting for rain. Ironic that it rained for a week before we did this – but now – nothing.
The tractor did turn out to be a big hit with the neighborhood kids – just not ours, although she enjoyed all the attention at her house. Grayson was a huge fan.
UPDATE: It rained today and we have some stubborn grass starting to show.
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