Hi! Welcome to our family blog! I honestly don’t know how often I’ll be able to update this but hopefully I can keep everyone who wants to know what is going on in our house on a somewhat regular basis.
The big news is that we are having a little girl – and as soon as I get to a scanner – I’ll post the first pictures we have of her – at this point they are more alien-esque but I have no doubt in just a few months she’ll be a cutie.
The due date is September 11 – although I am pushing for a just a few days give or take – and the consensus is that if I plan correctly I could be in labor on Labor day.
With summer kicking off today and all signs pointing to not much relief from the heat it should be interesting but if its anything like the last 6 months – these final three are sure to pass very quickly. Stay tuned!
~ Ami (I wouldn’t really expect to see many posts from JJ :))
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