So our Connor-man never ceases to amaze me. A week or so ago, he was not a happy camper when you laid him down – I was pretty certain he might have an ear infection (which proved to be the case), but I missed the fact that he also got tooth #5. Now that Connor has two teeth on the top and two on the bottom, I am bit more cautious about putting my fingers in his mouth for fear I will not get them all back out unscathed. But I felt around this evening with trepidation and realized he had cut #5 (and clearly had done it at least a week ago based on its growth).

We also had to lower his crib. Last night when I put him down to sleep, I noticed he was pulling himself up and realized that he was dangerously close to being able to lean over the edge of the crib. We decided to drop it then entire way (to save us the time of doing it again in a few months) and I think Connor thinks he’s in jail now.

(Now I know why they put those teeth guards on cribs – Connor is putting it to good use)
