Ever since Cailee saw Dora do the monkey bars – she is obsessed with them – and thinks its great fun – except for the minor detail that she needs a bit of help getting across them. She likes to call out the number of rungs in English and then again in Spanish, repeat.
As for the other monkey, the warm southern temps are starting to be a problem. When Cailee was an infant, I didn’t have to worry too much about sunburn until she was much older, since by the time she was venturing outside a lot it was getting cooler. Not so with Connor, as we are on the verge of summer. Baby advice suggests not to use sunblock for children under 6 months, instead, just cover up the baby. Hmmm, I guess they are not concerned with heat stroke. We might just have to find the most sensitive block and apply or else I fear I might have 2 month lobster.
For now, we are avoiding being outside at the hottest time of the day and are looking for some wide brim hats – except most of them don’t fit his peanut head.
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