“Ami is a very strong user experience designer and design leader who takes the time to explore and understand the end-to-end user story and then is able to translate user needs into an executable plan. Ami is innovative and creative… able to synthesize creative design solutions that successfully achieve the required business goals while also working within the constraints of what is possible and practical. She drives all aspects of the process – from user research to final playback.”
Dave Thomsen, Director and DE, IBM Cloud DevOps Services
In 2014, IBM entered the cloud market with IBM Bluemix. IBM was up against some pretty tough competitors with substantial user bases. Gaining traction among developers was critical to the success of IBM Bluemix and IBM’s Rational devOps services – but IBM needed a way to drive awareness of both offerings. I designed an experience that leveraged developerWorks as the marketing funnel with a redesigned article + video tutorial design that encouraged hand-on engagement and application development.
I used an iterative process to design and validate the new video tutorial template with clear entry points to demos, devOps services, (Rational JazzHub) and code (IBM Bluemix). The optimized developer experience drove exponentially more conversions for IBM JazzHub and BlueMix registrations. Today, continuing many of the same design tactics I initiated, developerWorks accounts for nearly a vast majority of Bluemix registrations annually.
IBM Rational DevOps, IBM BlueMix, IBM developerWorks