Things are crazy right now (when aren’t they?) and I have been doing my best to keep several balls in the air at once (not always successfully), one of those being some party planning for Cailee’s 2nd birthday. I know I probably put a bit too much into it – after all she won’t remember it – but its a fun outlet for me and given the number of party planning websites that are on the web- I am not the only one – there are blog after blog about party ideas – some quite lavish and regrettably out of my price range.
Nonetheless, Cailee will have (ok Mommy will) the pinkest, prettiest party that Mom can pull together and of course that means several months of planning (in reality it shouldn’t take that long but I have to assume I only get an hour or so a week to peruse the WWW looking for inspiration and then acting on it.
Just to give you a glimpse of what I have, I took some pre-pretty in pink-party pictures.
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