There was a bit of confusion this week surrounding Cailee’s school pictures. The school sent home notice that they would be taken on Monday. Then last Friday, the teacher sent home the weekly newsletter and said dress your kids in something they could mess up on Monday because they were going to be planting flowers, pictures were Wednesday. Not certain who was right, I took a chance and dressed Cailee in her spring pictures outfit, yet expecting she might come home dirty and without pictures, I decided to take a few of my own to preserve the moment of cuteness for my own sake. (Thankfully, it turns out the teacher was confused, pictures were taken and flowers planting postponed).
So even though this takes a little away from the actual photos, I can’t resist posting my pictures of her in her spring getup (that + the warm weather this week makes me very ready for winter to hurry up and move on). I am lovin’ the squinty eyes pose, it’s pretty much her go to smile these days. She informs me that’s how she smiled for her school photo – can’t wait to see them.
I told her to pose with Connor, who tags along on the ride to school, and she puts him in a chokehold. Nice. Poor guy, this is why I don’t have many photos of them together.
So the week started on a high note, but come Thursday Cailee had contracted some kind of stomach bug – luckily it barely lasted a day, but for that day she kept nothing down. I was a little leary of sending her to school today – so I didn’t – which means she missed her class photo.
But by this afternoon everyone was back in tip-top shape and we enjoyed soaking in the sunshine outside.
I’m not sure what Connor is trying to tell me right here but he is talking up a storm these days (mind you – only about 1 every 20 works is actually intelligible)
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