It’s hard to know where to start and as seems to be the trend, I’ve stockpiled all my photos for my Sunday afternoon updates (one of these days I should really make my updates in real time). I’ve been spending the last two days playing catch up after spending the first half of this week in San Francisco for work. Even though I was only gone for 72 hours – it felt like it was 2 weeks. I don’t know how people do these cross country jaunts on a regular basis (I’m glad I am not one of them). I missed the security and sensibility of JJ (especially being by myself in an unknown place). I missed my little kiddos faces, sloppy kisses, runny noses and cute expressions. I feel like they learn new things every day at this age – I hate to miss any of it.
For the first time, I was able to call Cailee and we could actually talk on the phone – she would melt my heart by saying, I miss you mommy, I love you. There were a couple of other sweet moments.
Once she was on a walk with JJ and Connor and found some wishberries. When she blew them she said “I wish Daddy would take me to starbucks and that the airplane would bring mommy home.” Gotta love that kid (for both wishes!)
Her latest expression is “Oh nuts!” Like most everything else, I have no idea where she got that from, but its cute just the same.
Lately she has been drawing pictures with an app on JJ’s ipad. She’s really quite good at it. One of the features is that you can email the pictures. Anna caught her trying to “email mommy her artwork” this week. Its hard to believe that four year olds are using ipads and talking about “emailing”.
Apparently she learned some magic tricks this week – well one – she told me she was going to “disappear Connor” as her magic trick – this entailed just wrapping him up in her blanket and “viola! he’s gone”
Connor has been struggling with a cold, runny nose, and earache this week – poor guy. The only upside is that when he’s down and out – he just wants to be held and I love snuggling with Connor. In other news, Connor has figured out how to get attention – sometimes he’s sweet, he comes up and tugs on us or calls out for ma ma, da da. Other times, he shrieks until he gets his way. He’s definitely starting to hold his own – I have the hardest time seeing him as anything other than my baby, but he is definitely all toddler and is growing into a personality all his own.
His latest wheel fascination is fixated on Cailee’s bike. He just wants to sit on it. He’s way too short to do anything else. We thought he might be ready for a little bike he could scoot around (without the pedals) but he still needs to grow 3-4 inches before he can even master that (we tried and he got really upset when he had to leave the bike behind). The upside is that his new found enthusiasm for the bike has made Cailee take notice (of the nice bike we got a year ago) and now she is showing much more interest in her riding.
Here are my favorite “on the go” photos from the iphone.
My one photo from San Francisco – trolley car proof that was I was there.
Connor-man tries out Cailee’s bike, he likes the helmet too
A rainy Saturday required a ladybug umbrella
Connor determined to prove to us that he could make the bike go
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