This weekend there was a mini state fair at the NC State Fairground, so after Cailee’s final soccer game of the season we all headed to Raleigh. The kids were pretty excited to see all the rides and I was thrilled that there were so many that Cailee AND Connor could ride. Connor has the nerve to ride all of them, but in the past he seems to always be just shy of the height requirements. This time, we hit both the cutoffs – Connor (finally)being 36″ and Cailee just a smidge above 42″. Many they rode together, on a few, JJ or I had to ride with them, and there were some that just Connor rode or Cailee rode, but I think we did just about every kid designated ride.

Cailee really wanted to ride the “hog drop”, this contraption that spun while rotating in the air. And while she was big enough to ride it alone, the attendant suggested that JJ ride too so she didn’t slide around as much. I was comforted with this, somehow thinking that if this thing failed, JJ could keep her from flying out, but JJ was none too thrilled to be tossed around willy nilly. But he put on a brave fast and definitely earned the Daddy of the day award.

And you wouldn’t know it to see the pictures of Connor that he was actually enjoying any of the rides, he insisted on a very stoic face. So we became the crazy parents on the sideline trying to get him to crack a smile. We succeeded once, but he was trying so hard to stifle it. It was almost like he was thinking, “only tough kids ride the motorcycle, so I have to be tough too”. Funny, stubborn kid.

We saw animals, downed some cotton candy and above fair average hot dogs (the highlight for me). All in all, a fun afternoon.















