Its been a while, just getting through the daily grind has taken more of an effort these days (thanks to Viper – and you know who you are) but the cloud is lifting and so I am back to updating. Just since everything else has slowed to a halt doesn’t mean that Cailee has. She has been growing and changing daily. We seem to be at the time when every day brings a new discovery. She is reaching for toys – well pretty much everything – she gets upset if you take it away – she destroys everything paper – and she is almost sitting up unsupported. Jumping has become a favorite pasttime and trying to remember what it was like to have a calm baby, content in my arms is a thing of the past. She is wiggling everywhere – not trying to miss anything.
It doesn’t seem like crawling is too far off in the future – as she is getting up on her knees and rocking back and forth- she just seems to get some coordination between her arms and her knees and watch out! I had better start baby proofing this house!
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