Today was extra special because we had Connor dedicated at church (this was certainly the highlight of the day, although a close second was the fact that the kids slept into 9AM, yeah! for quiet non-work mornings). I couldn’t think of a better way to commemorate Mother’s day. We got him all dressed up, bowtie and all, and as expected, he was great on stage – he just turned on the ol’ Connor charm. He let the children’s minister hold him (and show off his Jeff Gordan matchbox car, which actually got some cheers from the congregation). Both he and Cailee really enjoyed seeing themselves on the screen (behind them), Connor would turn around and point at himself.
I tried all day to get a picture of Connor in his cutie patootie getup – and I almost failed. Finally, with a water bottle or hose or truck in hand (which I cropped out :)) he seemed willing to look at the camera, and that was better than nothing – even if he didn’t crack a smile.
I don’t know why the mopey face – but it was still cute to me just the same (maybe I just have my mommy’s rose colored glasses on)
The outfit didn’t make it through dinner (we had a great cookout with JJ’s mom, dad and Uncle John). The white shirt is now red/purple, but at least Connor was eating his black raspberries, strawberries.
Then we asked Cailee, our four-year-old budding photographer, to take some photos of me and JJ, my better half (without whom I wouldn’t be half the mom I am). They are a little off-center, and in one photo she cropped us out entirely (promise I didn’t do that) but it’s nice to get a few photos from the other side of the camera.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day (the
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