So now it’s official, I am a dance mom. I can say that because Cailee competed in her first dance competition. And I think it’s fair to say that I was more nervous than Cailee. The expectations were pretty high, and these are five year olds. The bun has to be four inches from the nape of the neck, no hairs out of place, use a specific color of lip gloss, a little bit of mascaera, be there two hours in advance, make sure you know where center of the stage is. This is not a comfortable space to me. I didn’t grow up a dancer, and I still can’t dance a step to save my life, so trying to coach, prodd, encourage my kid in a sport I know nothing about, is definitely not awkward but we are learning this dance thing together, only she’s a bit more graceful than I am.
The dance competition was in Louisburg College, JJ’s ole stomping grounds (that helped, he knew right where to go). And we stayed at a hotel the night before because we had lost power the day before due to an ice storm (that’s another story). We made it there on time, yeah us. And we didn’t forget to bring anything, double yeah, and she danced well, really well. The “little tiaras” as they are called, didn’t win any awards, but for a bunch of five year olds judged against a bunch of 6-8 year olds, they did really well. Of course they looked adorable which is really what counts… And mom survived her first dance competition.
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