Well I can’t believe it – a year has passed – and it has gone by so quickly. Its hard to put into a single post my thoughts from the past year except that I can’t believe its over. Hopefully, I have done a fair job of capturing the milestones across the months and I don’t really plan on recapping everything here nor would I do it justice. So I’ll focus on the celebration itself – it was a very busy weekend – but a ton of fun – too bad Cailee won’t remember any of it because a lot of love went into the preparations and participation.
It started many weeks ago, I thought I would create a scrapbook for Cailee’s first year and I quickly got more attached to decorating for her party. So as JJ would call it – we had a scrapbook party – which I would disagree to – only because I never did finish the scrapbook (but I will, Cailee, before you are old enough to read this post). I had fun and honestly, I figured its the one and only party that I will actually be able to plan and decorate before I am limited to a specific theme (such as My little pony).
Cailee’s weekend was jam packed with a party at Grayson’s (turned 1 on 9/3) at 11 am, followed by her party at 3.
Those in attendance at Cailee’s party included Nancy, GG and G-Pa Herrman, GG and G-Pa Dewar, Beth, David, Mommy, Daddy, Grayson, Tracy, and Rob. A few others were invited but couldn’t attend – but they were certainly there in spirit.
For her birthday Cailee got toys, toys and more toys, specifically, a pink bus, a driving toy (hilarious – because you honk the horn and it says “Get out of the way”), an juicy couture outfit, some great long sleeve shirts, a bible story book, a lamb and matching dvd, baby doll (she already had the stroller and enjoys pushing the baby around), an elephant, squeaky shoes (you’ll have to see the videos), a t-shirt (“This is how I roll”), some blocks (great for clanking together), a bubble gum toy (not the real deal), jack in the box and much more. She is one spoiled baby.
Here are some pictures. Unfortunately, I could hit myself now, but I wish I had taken more photos but was too busy making sure the birthday girl was happy. I am hoping others took some good shots and will share their duplicates.
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