So many of you have asked, what’s going on these days? Well, the truth is, nothing out of the ordinary, we’ve just been everyday livin’. We keep busy – Cailee now has something Tue, Wed and Thur night of every week, Connor has Gymboree on Saturdays (and we just registered Cailee for Spring Soccer). Work is always on overdrive and JJ has been battling a persistent cold. This past week and a half, there wasn’t any specific activity to feature, but that didn’t mean we weren’t busy, so instead I just would grab my camera from time to time and capture the moment, the silly, out-of-control, generally amusing, never dull moments that are a regular occurrence around these here parts. Time passes so quickly, at least all my pictures freeze the split second in time for just a big longer.
“Waking up with Cheerios” Livin’
“No coats January” livin’
“Afternoon playroom while Connor naps” livin’
“Much chillier, hats required” livin’
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