There was a lot of love in the air from “bubba’s love shack” to Cailee and Isabella holding hands on the pier (finally got a picture). Cailee is certainly enjoying having some friends around and its fun for us to see how she interacts with other children.

Eddie and Audrey.

This crab was on the pier and while everyone was watching it – Cailee decided to steal the show and got within inches of trying to pick it up – very scary. This child clearly has no fear.

Cailee actually started patting this statue on its arm. I guess she thought he looked sad.

For some reason I couldn’t capture Isabella and Cailee both looking at the same time.

I figured my mom would appreciate this sign. We didn’t eat here but every restaurant on the Murrell’s Inlet pier had a great view of the inlet. Good spot to remember.

Quite the little model.

Cailee actually keeps initiating holding hands, which is sweet, I’ve never seen this side of her.

And now a hug.