I guess it is a phase, I remember Cailee doing it, its the time when nothing comes out of your kid’s mouth but raspberries accompanied by a lot of spit and bubbles. I don’t remember it being so much so that Connor will soak his outfit and yours in no time at all. But, outfit changes aside, its pretty funny to watch him get going, and even better when you are in a public establishment and your child has just got his little motor running. (Tracy tells me that means he’s going to be a talker, and I believe it). Personally, I think he’s trying to simulate an airplane – with the engine running and wings flapping (check at that arm).
This video isn’t the best quality – it was just a spur of the moment record with my phone. Normally, Connor just stares at me when I try to get him in action. Maybe since the phone is such a common fixture it caught him unaware.
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