Part 2 of our weekend was a family picnic on Sunday. We were a little skeptical of the weather leading up to the day with Hurricane Sandy on the horizon, but it turned out that a little wind was not going to be enough to keep us from the park. The air was brisker then it has been, but the sun was out a good bit of the time and the warmth of the company more than made up for it. Unfortunately Aunt Beth couldn’t make it due to an unfortunate fender bender the day before – but we enjoyed spending time with Stacy, Scott, David, Jen, GG and Gdaddy.

When it came time to leave, we told Cailee to say goodbye and she did unenthusiastically, however, a few minutes later, after everyone had gone, it hit her that they were no longer around (uh duh). We had to walk back through the woods to look for GG and Gdaddy- she was convinced they hadn’t left and were just taking a walk. This happens on a regular basis when Miss Anna leaves each day, apparently everyone is at Cailee’s beck and call and is only permitted to leave when Cailee is ready to dismiss them. No, seriously, she really enjoys seeing everyone and is starting to talk about family even when they are not around – which I love.

I didn’t do a very good job taking photos – I was too busy playing/talking. But here are a few just to prove that we were there.

Cailee’s artwork (we don’t remember who that was exactly – can you tell?)