JJ’s parents recently trekked across country to Yellowstone and along the way saw many awesome, notable sites (Old Faithful, St. Louis Arch, Mt. Rushmore). While they were gone we went to keep the puppies company – it turned out to be a playdate for Bailey and the kids. The kids love running around their property – they have a pond, a barn, trucks, trailers, woods, a giant hill to run down (or hitch a ride back up), and horses down the lane – What more could a kid wish for?

We explored the woods, saw a gigantic (well, based on my past experience) snapping turtle in the pond (amplifying my fear that Connor would jump/fall in), took a walk by the horses (Cailee tried to beckon them unsuccessfully to her with a pile of weeds she picked on the way there), we danced on the bed of the trailer (Correction – Cailee danced on the bed of the trailer), and tried the truck out for size (turns out Connor thinks it suits him just fine).

I love their property – it is picturesque and thoroughly entertaining for my youngsters – we are so fortunate it’s just a stone’s throw away from us.

I tried, once again, to get the kids to pose together. This is what I end up with.

Look at this fluffy head of blond (or yellow as Cailee says) hair – we got a cut shortly after these – but now, looking back, I kinda miss the longer locks. Thank goodness it grows fast.

Connor and daddy try a self portrait.