I feel like I haven’t written in a while, well truth is, I haven’t, but there hasn’t been any real drama. For all intents and purposes that’s probably a good thing. The countdown is on now and with all the toys put together and the onesies purchased and washed, the nursery complete and the infant car seat installed – I feel like I should be doing something but I have possibly run out of things to do to prepare. I have even cleaned what I can clean, painted what I could paint and planted what I think is gonna be the last of the planting for this year (I never say never). Anything more would just be money wasted or time better spent resting.
As I said, we had the infant car seat installed, a much more involved experience then I imagined but good and thorough nonetheless. We graduated from our class, well maybe the real graduation comes when you get through the birthing experience unscathed, but we attended all five sessions and still feel very unprepared but I suppose know more than when we started. Doctor visits are weekly now and as much as the days seem to creep by the weeks seem to disappear before I realize it (does that make any sense?). Most of the work items are off my plate – well I know there are going to be some things left hanging but without a definite date there will always be something midway done. The diaper bags are stuffed, the labor bags are packed (well except for the essentials that we still need daily), the pet instructions have been written and finally, without any returning signs of carpal tunnel, the thank you notes are done, addressed and mailed.
I guess the point being – if anyone knows of something I am missing, tell me now, otherwise I am going to put my feet up, get a good book and get the rest everyone swears I need to be banking now.
Honestly that will probably last all of about 10 minutes til I come up with something else that’s possibly more exciting and later I will live to regret that I didn’t rest more but its impossible to tell that to me now.
PS. Bets are on right now for the baby to be late. I am still holding out for an on-time delivery but not really expecting anything early. Time will tell… https://photos.amidewar.com/2008/Cailees-Nursery/
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