We braved the doctor’s office today. I remember last time we went I was so hopeful that she would be matured enough that she wouldn’t get upset – especially when they are not doing anything that would inflict pain – such as a shot – and we were better – but it started out a little rough.

As soon as we walked down the hall and noticed the doctor offices -she started to panic. This hadn’t eased when the nurse wanted to weigh her – she screamed as loud as she could, just sitting on the scale (she wouldn’t dare stand).

After this, bless her heart – the doctor really was patient with her – she performed everything on her baby first, then mommy and then Cailee. We even had to look for Dora and Boots in Cailee’s ear and all went well.

There was a little squirming when we knew the flu shot was coming – but no a peep when it was actually administered and the sticker, lollipop and character band aid made it all a distant memory.

Cailee’s stats are still rocking the scales…
28.6 lbs (75%, a little lower then last time around)
35in. tall (95%!)
I don’t recall the head dimension right off the top but she was in the 80th percentile.

I keep wondering where she gets this size from, but the good news is, she is healthy so we are thrilled!

Check out Cailee’s new boots for the fall.