Well this tells you how far behind I am in posting pictures, these are actually from May 16 – it was a busy day, we had hair cuts (which are a family event, some day Cailee will participate, but for right now mommy is just hoping for curls in her hair, its starting to show some promise), then we tried out Gymboree – I think this could be a worthy venture, although the weekly schedules are intended for the stay at home mom (in other words, not at the most convenient times), we might try and make this a routine (Cailee could use some additional social interaction, as she seems to screech at most people that are, well, not me). Then we hit up Raleigh’s artExplosure, again taking advantage of a nice afternoon and some grass. We finished the day with some PF Chang’s (although, it might have just been too much – Cailee was a bit tired by this point and didn’t really enjoy her dinner too much).

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