Check out my crazy, rock star hubby braving the freezing temp (30s) and muddy conditions to ride his bike (with a bunch of other crazies). This is cyclocross in Greensboro on Sunday. My bro, Cailee, Connor and I trekked out to cheer him on (too bad I was a little late – or maybe that was a blessing in disguise, because it was freezing). Uncle Dave was a good sport and carried Cailee around as we tried to find the best stop to see JJ, and she loved it. She told me, “Uncle Dave is my friend.” She is pretty selective about her “friends” too. You don’t see Connor because he is riding on my back (its a little difficult to take a picture from that angle, in fact, I had to ask a random stranger to put back on his hat when he pulled it off). Luckily, he was perfectly content to watch the action from there.

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