So yes, I recognize that its a little early for Christmas (or late if you consider Christmas in July sales) but lately it sure seems like it to me – not so much for the many gifts we have received lately (I would however, certainly be remiss if I didn’t mention the three baby showers we have recently had and what a huge dent these have made with the baby gear we need. This child is spoiled already and is not even a single day old, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!); but more as a result of the never-ending list of items that is suggested that you buy. It seems that I have been slowly checking off and double-checking the same items over and over for the last few months.
I know that retail stores create the “every prepared parent must get these items” list and put everything, including the kitchen sink, because they want you to spend the thousands at their store, however, it does seem, even by just talking to those much more experienced than me, that not all of it is a shameless ploy for the baby store to clean out my wallet. No, this little being actual requires quite a bit of loot. Now, I will admit there are some items that are probably not absolutely necessary – and I know my mom got along just fine without the diaper genie’s, bottle sterilizers, and boppy pillows but that’s when I weigh the price of a few dollars against the possible convenience it could offer. Convenience often wins. (not in the case of the $43 onesie – as cute as it was – today)
But to the point of this post – I think, I can say that without much trepidation, that I might possibly be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel – with the final shipment from babiesrus expected on Monday – at least the necessities to get me through the first few weeks of babydom is complete. Please, please don’t tell me something else that I should get. I don’t think my budget could stand it. The sad reality is that as soon as the baby list is checked off – the Christmas list will in fact be right around the corner. I guess this is what parenthood is like.
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