Compared to last year, this time, it seems to be raining nearly everyday (as opposed to a major drought in 2007) and I am certainly not one to complain. One good rain a day means that in my eight month pregnant state I don’t need to reel out the hose to water the flowers I insist on having. It means I don’t need to take a 30 second shower for fear that our well will dry up and the idea of getting a rain barrel of which I haven’t ever figured out how to nicely disguise (a giant trash can) in my backyard is farther from the main topic of conversation (for now). But those aren’t the only showers I am grateful for this week. This is baby shower week and so far its been a lot of fun.
Yesterday, everyone at work went to Cheesecake factory and I got a lot of great stuff. That’s one thing I can say about IBM, whether it was when I got married or now with a baby, they love their showers and always do them right. This weekend, all the girls are getting together at the Fearrington Inn (wow, very nice!) and on Sunday, the neighborhood ladies are having a tea with a book exchange for me ( and another girl due on virtually the same day with a boy). The best part is that Auntie Emily is throwing a diaper shower in August – so still more to look forward to. JJ and I certainly have a lot to be thankful for these days with plenty of rain, sunshine and great friends and family.
PS. I’ll post some pictures as soon as I get em.
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