Ok, so I took everyone’s advice (coincidentally, I asked for opinions on a camera on twitter, had one already picked out – just needed a little convincing and every single response – ok there were only three – indicated the same camera – how’s that for help!) and ordered the Nikon D5000. Hopefully, you’ll see a difference between the pictures I take with my iPhone (generally), or my point and shoot – and this one – although I have to sharpen my photography skills – sadly, its been since high school when I took my last photog class and I have done a like of sunbathing since then – so I think those brain cells are long since fried.

It was a bit of an impulse buy – but there are so many occasions coming up (beach, birthday, holidays) – that – it was now or never (well now, or miss some big opportunities). But even more the impulse (sorry, JJ -you won’t like this one) was the fun strap cover I bought to go with it (not at all girly – eh?).

Let’s see what Cailee thinks of this new electronic toy. Hopefully it brings many smiles.