Today’s a big day in our house. Connor and Cailee are back at school again together. Connor’s starting Kindergarten at Little River with Ms Dymond, the same teacher Cailee had for Kindergarten and Cailee is in third grade with Ms. Freeman. We don’t know much about Ms. Freeman but are hoping for good times. I’ve also heard that third grade is a pivotal year where a lot changes – not sure what to expect or what that means – but I think Cailee’s up for it. This is the first year she really had a say in what she wanted to wear. It wasn’t my first choice but she’s all about some active wear these days. Connor on the other hand is just plain excited and ready to be in school with Cailee – I think he’s been looking forward to this as long as he remembers us dropping her off and I’m pretty sure it makes him feel all grown up. This is technically his second year in Kindergarten but his first year going all day, so its still a sad day in my house – just another sign my little kiddos are growing up way too fast.