This was a first for us, Cailee went on a weekend trip with a friend, Ella, to Myrtle Beach this weekend, Memorial Day weekend, so she was gone for two days. I wasn’t sure how it would go, but thanks to being able to stay connected via Facetime, she did just fine on her own (ah, my little girl is growing up). Back in Durham, JJ and Connor wanted to go to the Dirt Bike Track and so I decided to tag along. Connor was thrilled, ordinarily when they go, Cailee and I go shopping, so without my spending partner in crime, and knowing that Connor has been dying for me to see him in action, I braved the dirt and rednecks at the track (not kidding, there were some people camped out with their baby swimming pools and RVs for the weekend at the track – I just can’t imagine how listening to the whrrrrr of dirt bikes all weekend wouldn’t get to you after some time).

I had fun though, watching JJ and Connor on the peewee track, mostly, although we took a few excursions to the big track to check out the big guys gettin’ it. JJ is pretty protective of Connor, which I really appreciated, and Connor definitely put his best effort forward for me, he loves to show off – although he doesn’t let you know how he’s feeling – he gets this real serious, stoic expression on his face indicating its all business – but I have no doubt he loves the attention. Luckily for us, the threatening weather held off and we made a day of it. I loved seeing my boys in action.