This weekend was unseasonably warm so we decided to take advantage of our yearly pass and go to the zoo. I really expected it would be us and everyone else but I guess the sheer fact that it was in January kept the masses away. We were also lucky that a lot of the animals decided it was time to come out and sun themselves or play in the water – the polar bear had a blast in the water – over and over he flopped in on his back, swam to the other side of the pool, pushed off and went back to the edge. Same thing with the seals – I’m not actually sure I’ve seen them out of water before. We also saw the lions sunning, the rhinos up close and the red river hogs were the most active I’ve ever seen them (which Cailee loved!). Even the chimpanzees were swinging in the trees “like crazy” (says Cailee). Now, if only I hadn’t been obsessing with the work I had to get done before back to work, and the frustrating effort to move this site to a different server (thanks hackers!) it would have been perfect.