At least I think that’s how it goes. Irregardless, slowly but surely we are getting ready for the big day, we have our tree, our greenery, our wreaths and our stockings – with the most noticeable addition of our “plus one” this year. I joked with JJ that we couldn’t have any more kids (music to his ears) because I had to buy 4 new stockings this year so that they would all match (I know – its my OCD) and I certainly wouldn’t want to do that again (x5). To be honest, that’s probably not going to stop me from looking at post Christmas sales for any deals on a matching stocking (just in case).

Here’s my little sweetie, post bath, sporting the mohawk, and trying to figure out how the paci works. I shouldn’t even introduce it – I am still trying to break my three year old. Connor is even all decked out in his Christmas pjs (yes, Cailee has a matching set – except she looks like a candy cane – her words).